Protecting bonobos
Photo © Roland Hilgartner
Bonobos are humankind’s closest relatives, and they are on the brink of extinction. Protecting bonobos is BCI’s primary mission. Collaborating with local and international partners, we are providing a safe haven for these amazing primates.

Field teams
Effective conservation requires devoted boots-on-the-ground commitment. BCI’s field teams are on the front lines of the fight to save bonobos. They thwart poachers and they gather critical information about bonobos and their behavior. BCI trains and equips trackers and ecoguards, providing protection for bonobos and economic opportunity for local residents.
Photo © Bonobo Conservation Initiative
Orphan rescue
The most heartbreaking consequence of the illegal bushmeat trade is the orphans who are left behind. Too small to be killed for meat, they are put on the black market as pets or they are abandoned, unable to survive alone. For every orphan found, at least one adult bonobo has been killed, and often many more. BCI and partners have rescued more than two dozen orphans, giving them a second chance at life.
Photo © Bonobo Conservation Initiative
Raising awareness
BCI is raising awareness about bonobos and the need to protect them. A major aspect of our awareness campaign within the DRC is poaching prevention. It is illegal to hunt bonobos, but the practice is widespread and ongoing, posing a major threat. BCI coordinates with law enforcement and local leadership to inform communities and stop poaching in progress. BCI distributes educational materials in schools and communities in the bonobo habitat. In collaboration with popular Congolese musicians, BCI has produced radio spots and songs about protecting bonobos, which have had a resounding impact. Globally, BCI is spreading the word about bonobos through presentations, publications, media channels, and more.