Djolu Territory Sites

Located in the heart of the growing Bonobo Peace Forest, the adjoining sites at Lingomo, Nkokolombo, and Likongo are shining examples of community-led conservation. Inspired by the example of nearby Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, local leaders initiated their own programs for conservation and have signed accords to create community-based reserves in this 2,800 square kilometer (1,000 square mile) region. BCI is working to gain official protection of these “community forests.”

Jean Gaston Ndombasi, Cosmas Bofangi, and Roger Afelende

Lingomo and Nkokolombo

At Lingomo, Cosmas Bofangi founded the organization, Conservation of the Resources of Lingomo (CRL) and at Nkokolombo, Roger Afelende founded the Association for Conservation of Bonobos in the Source of Lomako (ACBL). Both have succeeded in gaining commitment from their communities to protect bonobos, engaging volunteers and community leaders to back the initiative. Lingomo and Nkokolombo are home not only to bonobos but also to aardvarks, duikers, leopards, and numerous monkey species. However, the proximity to the more populous area of Djolu makes these sites more vulnerable to logging and the bushmeat trade.

To protect this vital region, BCI and local partners have trained, equipped and supported monitoring teams and established conservation centers. BCI is now working to expand this effort with community development and livelihood programs to empower local people who are working diligently to protect bonobos.


Jean Gaston Ndombasi, leader of local NGO Début Likongo, has been instrumental in organizing eco-guard and tracker efforts in Likongo. Thanks to his leadership, eighteen Likongo residents are monitoring three bonobo groups. They have shown remarkable dedication, working on a completely volunteer basis. Community conservation programs in progress include pisciculture (fish farming), animal husbandry, and a dispensary. We are seeking funding to provide this community with more formal support.


Help us protect these key sites, and support the work of these incredible local leaders. Your contribution will keep the Peace Forest growing!